Losing weight involves multiple factors – exercising more and eating less and absolutely key – but if you’re mindset and beliefs about food, weight and your body are not aligned with your diet and exercise efforts, you’re not likely to see results.
In this 6-week Weight Loss & Body Confidence Programme, you will be guided to re-programme your mind with the right mindset to support lasting change.
We all need and deserve a helping hand at times – it doesn’t mean we’re not capable – it just means we’re human.
How the Techniques work:
Tools such as Hypnotherapy, Guided Imagery and NLP work with the natural power and ability of your mind to help you achieve the goals you want. Forget anything you’ve seen on TV or on stage – these tools are just like relaxation with a purpose. They bring you into a state where you feel relaxed and chilled – this allows us to work with the part of your mind (your subconscious) that’s most open to new ideas, suggestions and beliefs – your subconscious
We all get stuck in various negative habits at one point or another which can be difficult to stop. For example, eating a whole bar of chocolate instead of stopping when you’re full is a sign of a subconscious mind program. Unless these programs are dealt with, other weight-loss efforts will be less effective.
Your subconscious is where your habits, addictions and emotions are located. Because hypnotherapy addresses the subconscious – instead of just the conscious - it is more effective as a combined treatment approach than dieting alone.
How will programming my mind help me lose weight?
Have you ever driven somewhere and ended up forgetting how you got there? Or noticed how you automatically stop at a red light? Or cover your mouth with your hand when you sneeze? You might think that these last two are the ‘right’ things to do and that’s why you do it but the reality is that your body responds in those ways based on a pathway created by neurons in your brain which creates a programme in your subconscious mind – the region of your mind that is responsible for controlling your bodily functions. You’re not using your conscious, thinking mind to beat your heart, right?
Every time we so anything, information is sent down a neural pathway in the brain, meaning if the situation happens again, the decision is made faster and easier. These embedded neural pathways reside at the subconscious level of mind. Science has proven that only 10% of our daily actions are controlled by our conscious, thinking mind. 90% of our behaviour comes from patterns stored in the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapeutic techniques are scientifically proven to be one of the most effective ways to create programmes in the subconscious mind.
How does the 6-week programme work?
Each week, you’ll have a short introduction that will guide you on what you need to do for the week. Every week, there will be 1 guided hypnotherapy recording that you will need to listen to twice a day – first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to sleep at night. But don’t worry – you don’t need any extra time in your day for this – you can just set your alarm 30 minutes earlier in the morning and stay in bed whilst listening to the recording. At bed-time, you can listen to the recording whilst laying comfortably in bed just before you fall asleep.
At these times in your day, you’re naturally in a state of dreamy, relaxation so the suggestions you listen to will go deeper into your subconscious mind.