Ein guter Plan: Achtsamkeit APP
Reflecting on your needs, identifying stress patterns and keeping a diary to train your gratitude - this has been proven to help bring more satisfaction and relaxation into your life. Without compulsive self-optimization and kitsch.
We think: The most important app in your life should be about your life. This is how a good plan supports self-care:
- Mindfulness traffic light: Evaluate eight factors every day that influence your well-being - sleep, mood, diet, drinking, exercise, self-care, social contacts and perception of stress. It's not necessarily about the evaluation itself, but rather about the few seconds that you spend listening to yourself and carefully observing your emotional state.
- Graphical evaluation: Does your stress level increase if you don't maintain your social contacts? Do you sleep worse when you move less? See at a glance how these needs are related. This way you can recognize stress patterns before they become a burden and initiate change at an early stage.
- Gratitude Journal: Write down a few things you are grateful for every day. Journaling as a routine is proven to make you happier and help you reflect on and complete the day. Even if not every day is a good day, you learn to see the good in the little things and to express appreciation.
- Pinboard: All your diary entries to scroll through. This way you can always see the good things in your life at a glance. This collection of beautiful memories can be really soothing, especially on bad days.
- The good thought of the day: An inspiring quote far from kitsch and cliché every day that encourages you to take on new perspectives.
- Reminder function: Be reminded of your short break every day at the time of your choice. Through this regularity, mindfulness becomes an integral part of your life.
- Soundscape: Choose your favorite sound to relax or concentrate from types of rain, birdsong, cats purring, the sound of the sea or meditation music.
- Timer: Choose a time interval and the soundscape will stop automatically when the time is up. Perfect for distracting yourself from spiraling thoughts when falling asleep or for organizing focus phases for productive work (Pomodoro).
- Dark Mode: Especially if your entries are part of your evening routine, Dark Mode can be more pleasant for you.
- Security: Your data will not be transferred to us, but will only be stored locally on your device. The app is also completely ad-free and free.
Also perfect as a supplement to our publisher's books. More about this at [einguterplan.de](http://einguterplan.de)