e-Siransija APP
1. Integrity
Of the three main indicators, Integrity is given a weight of 40% with sub indicators consisting of:
a. Attendance, with a weight of 75%
b. LHKPN / LHKASN, with a weight of 10%
c. SPT, with a weight of 5%
d. Findings, with a weight of 5%, and
e. ASN Conduct Pact, weighing 5%
2. Work ethic
Of the three main indicators, Work Ethics is given a weight of 50% with sub indicators consisting of:
a. SKP achievement, with a weight of 60%
b. Achieving Physical Targets based on E-Monev Data, weighing 40%.
3. Mutual cooperation
The Gotong Royong is given a weight of 10% with 2 (two) sub indicators, as follows:
a. Participation in Togetherness Activities, with a weighting of 3%.
b. Participation in Morning Apple and Evening Apples activities 7%.
The value obtained from this application is used as the basis for calculating benefits.