The application has the same SIGRC access rules, so the same login and password must be used. The user will have access to the same content in terms of access to resolution boxes that he has in SIGRC.
The main objective is that SIGRC users can work remotely, performing their work activities normally, through the monitoring and processing of requests under the responsibility of their organ ("Received" tab) and the server itself ("Assigned" tab). The application also allows those who are without access to a computer or in locomotion to access the request boxes of their body.
As with SIGRC, by accessing "Received", it will be possible to analyze the request data and, if the server wishes, be assigned to give due consideration.
In the "Assigned" tab, users can handle requests with the same functionality as the SIGRC.
Both in the "Received" tab, when in the "Assigned" it is possible to filter requests by Request number or by any combination of the District, SLA (term) and Distance (RADIUS) attributes.
Application users can take and attach photos in the request handling history, if they deem it necessary to continue processing the request and / or proving the service performed.
In addition, it is possible to monitor the activities developed by SIGRC through the following indicators: Customer Service, Body Satisfaction, Completed per day, Requests Received and Average Service Time.