De Compras GAME
It is within the axis of social and cognitive skills, and aims to enable the user to pick and choose the products you want to buy according to their interests and based on the budget it has.
This application allows then generalize learning, transferring their learning to real situations. It does this by simulating a purchase in the supermarket, where you interact with the products and their prices and ending with the assembly of your own shopping list. While you can save the lists for future actual purchases made.
The application can work in stages in accordance with local realities and products entorno.Se own work with reference prices (prices care) initial form and then in a second stage to design a system update prices on application.
Worked skills:
- Fine motor: greater precision in the task of bringing the product to the list using simultaneously the eye and hand (hand-eye coordination)
- Attention: observation, classification, interpretation, anticipation: Through attention skills development as favored.
-Organization And planning.
- Ability to spontaneous selection, according to their interests and intent.
- Categorization of commodities according to their use or functionality.
- Recognition and association of the real value of the products offered in the market with local currency
-decision Making,
I handle money
-Resolution Of problems (solve the problems of real life using the skills and competencies they have acquired).
As such, all those skills favor the autonomy and independence of the user.
In addition it will encourage the development of (cash, organized and effective) planned thinking.
Ownership of the content within a social context next to the reality of the user.