EigenValue Calculator APP
First release - July 26,2019
Second release - Sep 03, 2019 - Code modified to eliminate/minimize crashes due to non entry or wrong entry in matrix. Also slight change in layout for more convenience.
Third release- May 08 2020 - Recent tests showed that application crashed for certain type of matrices, it failed for defective matrices, sparse matrices and matrices with zero column vectors. All these are addressed in this edition, and hopefully they are eliminated.
I also added determinant of A-λI , for all eigenvalues, these values should be close to zero but for large determinant there can be some error even when the eigenvalue is correct up to very reasonable precision. Otherwise if error value (A-λI) is high, please do not accept the result and confirm the result by other means and report to me.
Note if you want to put simple equation , you need to put whole equation inside ( ). For ex. if you put 2+3 in one cell the application will crash. You need to put (2+3); as also was shown in demonstration.
Do not use " , " in numbers, the application will not crash, but it will not execute either.
In any case if you feel there is no input problem but still the app crashed or gave incorrect values please do not hesitate to provide feedback along with the numbers you put in the matrix.