Domiphone APP
Entering the start and end of interventions guarantees the effectiveness of the service through two processes:
-or reading of QR Code badges and labels positioned at the place of intervention,
-or manual entry with pattern.
The speaker can leave a comment at the end of the intervention.
Interventions are reported in real time in the Domiphone extranet. Managers can thus view the interventions carried out by the interveners.
Domiphone allows the escalation of schedules on the Mobile application. Stakeholders can thus view their missions on their smartphone in real time by the day, week or month. If the schedule is changed, an alert is sent via the application.
From an intervention, they can consult useful information:
-the contact details and information about the user,
-special instructions.
It is also possible to consult the geographic location map of the intervention site and launch the GPS guidance to get there directly from their current position.
It often happens that the interveners need to communicate with the agency during or even outside the interventions: impediment, broken equipment, evolution of the client's needs, etc.
A contact directory, configurable from your Domiphone extranet, allows you to define telephone contacts available to all stakeholders: emergency numbers, area manager, etc.
As part of the provision of the dedicated solution on the equipment provided by Domiphone, it is possible to limit the use of telephony to this directory. Thus, the intervener can contact all the useful people during his interventions, but the agency keeps control of the costs related to telephony.
The Domiphone Mobile application facilitates information sharing.
Managerial staff can communicate with stakeholders via an instant messaging system in the form of a simple and intuitive discussion thread.
Stakeholders can also request an urgent recall of the structure with a single button.