YouToo APP
First on the home page you can find my explanation video of this application, just below the video you will find a tutorial for each exercise offered in the application and if you have just arrived there will be a small quiz button which when you click on it, it will allow you to initialize your first session, it is very fast and takes place in 3 pages of questions. Thereafter in the dashboard, you will find your own score with the possibility of creating a new sports session with the create session button. You can only do one session per day but I advise you to do it once every 2 days and 3 to 4 times a week, but if you do it once or twice a week it's already very good, so when you click on create session, the application will show you the session of the day with the old scores and it is up to you to achieve better than before. You won't need to think about which exercise would be better to do because when you can't do the exercise, then 0 reps. The app makes you go back to the old exercise to come back stronger on the new one and of course they calculate if you're too strong for that exercise you move on to the next one. If you are new and you have just completed the quiz then don't worry if you see that the exercises are not quite suitable for you because it is a quiz that approximately allows you to get up to your level, your true level will be done over time and of course hoping that it will improve. Finally, the last page that is easiest to understand is your information page, and the only information there is is your rank in relation to the application and in how many scores you will move on to the next rank, and as other information there is also something to contact me if you ever have any questions. Thank you for listening to me and good luck with YouToo.