STAM supports several dialects: Algerian, Amazigh (Berber), Egyptian, Moroccan and Tunisian. It therefore offers wide coverage of the dialects of the countries of North Africa. This makes STAM an innovative system of its kind.
The application is available in French and English.
Finally, STAM terminology is updated and enhanced continuously to improve the coverage of the dialects concerned. So do not hesitate to use STAM more often!
** How to use STAM?
I. To translate a text, go to the "Translation" pane.
1- Select the source language (dialect, français or english) at the top of the window.
2- Select the target language from the list at the bottom of the window.
3- Enter the text to be translated.
4- Click on the "Translate" button.
II. You can also view the details of the translation. To do this :
1- Translate your text.
2- Click on the image "see more detail" at the bottom of the window.
3- View the detail in the "See more ..." pane.
III. You also have the possibility to copy the result of the translation to share it via SMS or mail, etc. To do this :
1- Translate your text.
2- Click on the "copy" image at the bottom of the window.
** For more information:
** Contact us: you can do it with the application form.