myMMX Tess – Relay-Dienste APP
TeSign - sign language interpreting service
Deaf people call via a video link at TeSign to a sign language interpreter. The sign language interpreter establishes a phone connection to the desired listening interlocutor. Deaf people can so in their native language, the German Sign Language (DGS) communicate. The sign language interpreter translates the speech contents of the German Sign Language in the German spoken language and vice versa. TeSign interprets also talks of signed languages in German spoken language and vice versa.
TeScript - Scripture-interpreting
With a connection via written language deaf people call in to a signature TeScript interpreters. Sharing writing with their telephone request. The Scripture interpreter establishes a phone connection to the desired listening interlocutor. He now transmits the conversation content of German literary language in German spoken language and vice versa.
Voice Carry Over
Both services also "Voice Carry Over - Self Talk" is possible: hard of hearing people with good language skills speak for themselves According to the listening party. The responses of the hearing interlocutor to translate from sign language interpreters in DGS or transmitted as text by writing interpreters.
In order to use:
1. Registration with Tess - Relay services or TeleSign.
2. Your mobile phone provider allows for the use of VoIP (Voice over IP).
Use the app:
1. Enter the user name and password
2. In the address book the desired Telefondolmetsch service: sign language interpretation service TeSign or transcription service TeScript
3. This opens a video connection (TeSign) or text link (TeScript) for interpreters.
4. The sign language interpreter or script interpreter calls the desired listening interlocutor.
5. The sign language interpreter or script interpreter translates the conversation for the discussion participants of sign language or text in spoken language and vice versa.