Wie geht's dir? APP
With the "How are you?" App you can
& # 8226; & # 8195; Discover your feelings
& # 8226; & # 8195; Save your current feeling in the app diary
& # 8226; & # 8195; Get tips for your mental health
& # 8226; & # 8195; find out what is good for you
& # 8226; & # 8195; Find support when you need it
The “How are you?” App is a project by the German-speaking cantons and the Pro Mente Sana Foundation on behalf of Health Promotion Switzerland.
Important: This app does not constitute a diagnosis or medical treatment and in no way replaces advice from a healthcare professional. All content is provided for general information purposes only. At https://www.wie- gehts-dir.ch/de/adressen-und-angebote/ich-suche-unterstuetzung you can find advice centers for support in difficult life situations or in the event of a mental illness.