SoleraAuto APP
Synchronize your work from the Solera Web Platform and download it to your mobile app to take it with you on your visits to the workshops and work with them offline.
SoleraAuto is the mobility piece of the Platform that Solera Spain makes available to its users for the comprehensive management of Auto orders.
Through its intuitive and simple interface, you will be able to work efficiently on the orders you receive and resolve them on the go.
What can I do with SoleraAuto?
• Receive expert reports from the companies you work with and view them organized in a list. (Complete synchronization of all your open files by downloading them locally to your tablet, every time you log in or there are changes to the local files on the tablet)
• Access the details of each order and view the detailed information of the file, in a structured and simple way.
• Receive the documentation and photographs that the company wishes to send you.
• Take new photographs, both at a general level and at the piece level, which you can send to the company.
• Take notes that serve as support for the subsequent management of the file.
• Attach new documents that, such as photographs, you can send to the company.
• Unequivocally identify the vehicle to be assessed.
• Capture the damage to the vehicle and calculate the amount to repair it.
• Generate assessment reports.
• Manage the spare parts used in the damage assessment.
• Generate resolutions, both progress and closures, and send them to the company.
• Receive and send messages to the company.
What should I take into account about SoleraAuto?
• This App is a complement to the Solera Web Platform. Therefore, your access user will be the same one you use there. If you do not have a user yet, find out how to get one on our website ( or contact us at 91 657 20 00.
• To make it possible to assess vehicle damage, you will have to download the App that allows you to graphically capture it, “Damage Capturing”. By doing so, the system will cause both Apps to communicate automatically.
• Although this App allows you to operate offline in most of the modules, it must be taken into account that for certain functionalities to be available (synchronization, sending and receiving communications, vehicle identification, damage assessment, sending resolutions , etc.)