In The City APP
(18-35 years old) on the use of digital tools and on strategies to extract useful
knowledge from Internet/apps available on smartphones and on PC, through the
creation, the promotion and the use of a series of edutainment tools focused on
the cultural roots of the city in which the target adults live.
In the City’s edutainment tools will show when reaching a certain place or when
virtually visiting it, the site reconstructed in 3D as it was and the user can then
interact with the model by visiting and discovering more information about it.
Tutorials will explain in attractive way and in simple language for non-skilled
users how the software was developed tools (which is identical to that used by
other very popular apps and gaming software). Besides, they themselves will be
able to take part in the process of refinement of the product, by uploading
content (images, feedbacks) that will make them part of the development
The user, after starting the application, will see a map, with marked points,
where he will have to stand to run subsequent modules like Augmented Reality in
the form of a character, who will be our Guide, and others, such as visualizations
of the place we are interested in.
The map with reference points
The application will use GPS to locate us on the map.
After starting the application, we will be shown a map, the central point of which
will be the selected object and selected observation points, where we will have to
stand in order to have an interesting view of the object, and to run subsequent
modules of the application, thanks to which we will learn the history of the object,
various interesting things related to it and see how it has changed over time.
AR Guide
When we find ourselves at the point indicated on the map and direct the phone
to the sidewalk, a character will appear in it - a Guide who will tell us about the
place we are interested in.
Each user will be able to add their own photos to the application. These can be
archival pictures of the object and its surroundings, or photos from your visit to
the object. For this module we will develop a filter that will not allow to let the
photos unrelated to the subject through.
What can we learn from the app?
With all the information that will be available in various forms in our app, we will
learn many interesting things about our facility and its surroundings:
-what the object and its surroundings looked like in the past - at the time it was
-how it has changed over time?
-what are the plans for the future?
-what stories are associated with it?
-what style in the architecture/art is represented by?
-what events are associated with it?
The application will offer 2 tutorials in the form of videos.
How our application was created?
One of them will present the technology used in the application and show how it
was created.
How to make your own application?
The second one will teach users how to make a simplified version of their own
application - only for their own use, concerning a favorite place of their choice.