filo'r APP
This application allows you to:
- View real-time arrival of your vehicle
- Book your trips
- Cancel your reservations
- Consult your trips
filo'r in a nutshell:
The filo'r service is available upon reservation at 0800649649 or via internet, or via filo'r application.
The filo'r network allows residents of rural and suburban districts served to move within their residential area or approach the regular transmission lines together through an exchange point.
1. You have booked transportation and received confirmation of your schedule.
2. The vehicle will pass in 10 minutes after this time.
To meet the maximum demands, a margin of 10 minutes is kept until the day of transport. Example: Your reservation is at 12:00, the filo'r pick you up between 12:00 and 12:10.
Who can use filo'r?
filo'r is for everyone, especially the residents of 37 towns of the metropolis directly concerned.
The vehicles (minibus of 7, 20 or 22 seats) are available to Disability Access.
To go where ?
With the same ticket, you can make a trip in your area and / or correspondence with the bus lines.
The correspondence is realized in the same conditions as the regular transit system, a validity of one hour between the first and the last validation, without limitation matches.
The subscription (TIP card) allows, in turn, to be free of any time constraints.
How it works ?
• Hours and days of operation
The filo'r service runs from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. (ET latest supported), Monday to Saturday (except Sunday and holidays), in addition to existing regular lines and school.
In order to allocate the available resources, the filo'r Reservations can not be the same hours as regular lines or school.
• How to register for the service?
To access the filo'r Service, you must register first. This step, to realize once, you will be recognized in your contact with customer service, as well as during your reservations.
• The initial service registration can be done:
By telephone by contacting customer service at filo'r 0800649649 (toll free), or online ( under "Move"> "Transportation to filo'r demand")
• How to book?
Once registered, after receiving your password, you can book:
- the application "filo'r"
- by calling 0 800 649 6499
- on the website
Reservations can be made until the day before the desired path before 19 pm and Saturday before 19 hours for a journey on Monday.
• You forgot to book a trip?
You can book the day trying to benefit from still places available on the already planned trips by calling customer service at 0800649649 for a departure at least 2 hours later.
• Reservation for the year
If you perform daily or several times a week the same route at the same hours, you can book your trips for the year by requesting a form to the email address: