Colombia Capital APP
Alongside our entrepreneurial management teams, we develop an investment thesis and associated execution plan where the required equity capital can be invested in stages, as the business develops scale. This process is similar whether it pertains to a new business that is created in the domain of Enterprise Technology, Digital Infrastructure, or Mobility. We seek to align economic incentives between all stakeholders, assess risk critically, and fund our companies in a success-based manner. We believe this unique approach provides portfolio companies the best chance to drive attractive and consistent investment returns with limited capital impairment.
Columbia has a cohesive team of partners with a similar investment philosophy. The team has deep Communications and Technology roots with an average of 20 years of industry experience, including participation in both principal investing and operational roles in the sector. Over this time, the team has succeeded through different economic and market cycles, has seen industry patterns emerge. By focusing exclusively on C&T, the team has tracked the career trajectory of many of the current and future portfolio company executives from the time they were junior professionals.