The notion that physical attractiveness is a valued and even revered quality in Western society -- an obsession for many people -- is essentially a given fact. The preferential emphasis on beauty is beyond evident in the worlds of media and entertainment, where by miracle of chance the people who can act, sing and dance just so happen to be attractive (what are the odds?).
While the explicit message of most people is "beauty is only skin deep," when it comes to understanding the role that physical attractiveness should play in our daily lives, the implicit message is clear -- being a physically attractive person means something important.
The impact that such a message has on mental health has been, and continues to be, studied by psychologists and researchers alike -- notably in areas of self-esteem, body image and eating disorders.
We have witnessed the negative impact that beliefs about physical attractiveness can have on people's mental well-being. However, we have found that people are making the same errors in thinking when it comes to understanding what physical attraction is and how it affects their lives. These mistakes affect the lives of many people in our culture, but fortunately can be corrected.
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