UN Terminology APP
This database is the United Nations Terminology Reference System and it contains terms, definitions, nomenclatures, titles of UN official documents, agreements, international agreements, names of organizations and institutions of all fields, official names of countries, etc… All in all 6 UN languages, namely English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Chinese.
The database "UNTERM" is relational and any results are presented in the context or scope of the term introduced, increasing the usefulness and richness of this application. So, UN Terminology, is a multilingual linguistic tool (it can be used as a dictionary, a glossary, a compendium of terms and a large vocabulary) to use in the legal, economic, political, social, human rights and NGO scope; useful, fast and handy, very valuable for translation work and, in general, useful for linguists, philologists, journalists, anthropologists, scientists generally and students.
"UN Terminology" allows you to write any term in any language mentioned above and tick any language available to make a search. Also, you can see the results in just one language. This is useful to look up synonyms.
Although UNTERM is a database of terms, it allows you to look up sentences and expressions (e.g. “universal justice”, “woman rights”, “good governance”, “sustainable development”).
Disclaimer: "UN Terminology" is not responsible for the content of the results shown, it is a simple tool designed to facilitate access to the contents of the database UNTERM, property of the UN.
"UN Terminology" needs to be connected to the internet to access online UNTERM database.
"UN Terminology" © M.Moutawakil | DIORAMANDROID
Send your comments, suggestions or errors notification at dioramandroid@gmail.com