Complete logging of the cleaning of toilets including working hours

Latest Version

Sep 26, 2023

App APKs

Toilet Cleaning Checklist APP

This ginstr app logs toilet cleaning consistently.
Furthermore, working time per toilet, tasks completed, missing supplies, damages, special circumstances and other important information is collected and transmitted in real time to the responsible employee.


1) The mobile worker in the morning logs in to the app with worker NFC tag.
If the NFC tag was forgotten, then the mobile worker can use user name and password instead.

2) The mobile worker selects the type of the visit from a dropdown menu:
▶ Toilet service (default)
▶ Cleaning service w/o vacuuming and w/o mopping
▶ Mopping
▶ Vacuuming and mopping
▶ Inspection
The screen for reporting the work done depends on this selection.

3) The mobile worker goes with the phone to the first workplace

4) The mobile worker reads the NFC tag which is mounted at the workplace.

5) The mobile worker carries out the work and reports the work done by filling in the data entry fields of the selected screen

6) The mobile worker reads the NFC tag which is mounted at the workplace again; this records the working time in this toilet.

If the user forgets reading the same NFC tag the 2nd time then if the user reads another workplace NFC tag this creates a new record leaving the missing information of the previous workplace open.
In this case working time calculation for the next workplace starts from 0 again despite the fact that the previous workplace was not finished.


The following data is recorded by the employee:

▶ employee login user name
▶ employee NFC tag number
▶ employee first name
▶ employee last name
▶ site name
▶ floor or tenancy
▶ toilet number or identifier
▶ workplace NFC tag number
▶ time work began in each toilet
▶ time work ended in each toilet
▶ hours of work in each toilet
▶ was the toilet cleaned?
▶ were the showers cleaned (if applicable)?
▶ toilet paper filled?
▶ hand towels filled?
▶ soap filled (if applicable)?
▶ hard floors cleaned?
▶ carpet cleaned?
▶ bins cleaned?
▶ desks cleaned?
▶ dust cleaned?
▶ corners cleaned?
▶ lights off?
▶ glass cleaned?
▶ reception cleaned?
▶ kitchens cleaned?
▶ are there any visible damages?
▶ damages details
▶ photos
▶ other comments
▶ employee initials

The following data is maintained via the Internet by the office employees and used for report generation:

▶ object name
▶ information about the object

▶ number of the NFC tags mounted in the toilet
▶ toilet room number or special identifier
▶ assignment of the toilet to an object
▶ information about the toilet

▶ user name to login to the app
▶ employee initials
▶ employee first name
▶ employee last name

Mobile devices
▶ mobile device serial number
▶ phone number of the mobile device’s internal SIM card
▶ remarks about the mobile device


Each booking and charge from the toilet cleaning staff is immediately transferred to the server so that the supervisor/customer is always informed about work progress and can detect irregularities in a timely matter.
This avoids trouble with customers by using the evaluation of stored data to ensure that employees have actually implemented the agreed cleaning and service work.
Moreover, one can regulate when which materials are ordered and what repairs need to be made based on timely feedback about missing supplies and possible damages.

This app is offered to you at no cost; however, in order to use the app in conjunction with the ginstr cloud you need to purchase a ginstr subscription.
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