ProPoints Manager APP
Rules for making this diet:
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It is advisable to meet daily with the following minimum:
- 2 fruits
- 300 grams of vegetables
- 2 cc fats
- 200 grams of protein foods (meat, eggs, fish at least 3 times a week fish)
- 2-3 servings of foods rich in cacio (dairy)
- 300 grams of foods rich in carbohydrates
- 1.5 l of water
In addition, it is recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise.
+ How do I add food to my account?
- Just find the food you want to add and let down a couple of seconds. A menu will appear: If you choose "Add ..." will be added to your list of foods today, but if you choose "Add as an extra .." will be added to your list of bonus points that week. Then you should choose which portion you want to add indicating a multiplier (0.5 to half, 2 for double, etc.) If you press the plus (+) sign is added directly to your list of foods today.
+ How do I remove a food that I have added?
- In "My Account" -> "View other days" will see what you've added any day. From there you can remove letting down the item you want to delete.
+ Why are foods that are repeated in green?
- When a food is green means that you can eat as much as you want your fill by the number of dots.
+ How do I add my own dishes?
- You can do this in two ways:
1.Entra in "My Account" and click the "My Dishes" (bottom) button. Then click on "Add a new one."
2. In the "Find food" press the menu button on your device and select "Add custom dish ...".
+ Where is the calculator of points?
- When you're adding a personalized plate (see previous question) there is a button that takes you to the calculator.
+ What is create a backup?
- To create a backup just have to go to the "Backup" is in "My Account" and create a backup. This will create a file containing the data of your application (users, annotated dishes ...) Then you can copy that file (with a PC, for example) and save the new phone in the same folder that was (Android / data / PPM). So you can import it from the application. For this you must create a user to access either the "Backup" is in "My Account" and import the backup.