Mon Vodafone APP
Available for the following Vodafone individual and business offers:
Depending on the offer, My Vodafone allows, in a secure manner:
• to benefit from gifts available exclusively in the application during events
• to consult the details of the remaining resources, as well as the out-of-fixed price realized for the cycle
• consult the history of communications over the last 6 months
• view the amounts and download the last 6 invoices in PDF
• view the invoice amount due and pay with an international bank card
• recharge the line or that of a third party by online payment with an international bank card or by using a recharge purchased in stores
• view the details of the account, the subscribed offer and the options offered
• to consult the tariffs of the communications associated with the subscribed offer
• customize and reset the access password
• contact Customer Service
New: New connection method. Multi-line management.
To log in, the My Vodafone user must:
• Create an account allowing them to consult their lines in the application
To create an account, the user must:
• Enter a valid e-mail address and confirm it using the verification code sent to the e-mail address entered
• Accept these T & Cs
• A welcome email is sent once the account creation is validated.
To associate one or more lines with his account, the user must:
• Enter the Vodafone phone number to associate
• Enter the verification code sent by SMS to the number to be associated (For internet offers, the verification code is sent to the contact number entered when subscribing)
• An SMS confirming the addition to the account is sent to the associated number.
To reset their password, the user must:
• Click on the "forgot password" link
• Enter the email address of the account
• Enter the reset code sent by e-mail.
• Enter a new password of at least eight (8) alphanumeric characters
Customer Service also provides user assistance to customers but cannot manually change the password, this procedure is fully automated, such as the generation of line association codes.
My Vodafone is available free of charge, excluding the cost of an Internet connection on a network other than that of Vodafone Polynesia, at the address from a smartphone, tablet or computer with the operation and browser are up to date (Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox).