Featuring phrases commonly used during basic care interactions and screening assessments translated and recorded in 11 languages, CALD Assist facilitates basic care interactions to support patient care.
11 common languages: Arabic, Cantonese, Croatian, English, Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Mandarin, Serbian, Spanish and Vietnamese
A COVID-19 screening module for conducting health screens and visitor/outpatient screening
A Nursing module with nursing specific content
5 Allied Health disciplines: Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Speech Pathology
Over 250 phrases translated and audio recorded with cultural sensitivity
Images and video to enhance communication between clinicians and their patients
Answer options to enable patients to respond to simple questions
Developed in collaboration with patients, Nursing staff, Allied Health clinicians, Medical staff and Interpreters
Winner of 2015 and 2017 Health Roundtable Innovation Award and 2015 Victorian Public Healthcare Award in the category of Improving health equality and closing the gap