Sugam Bhilwara APP
Some useful features include:
• An intuitive dashboard to view and pay pending bills online, report a problem with power, or view information about power outage for a particular connection on a particular day.
• Easy management of multiple connections through provision of useful features such as previous 12 months consumption history (in graphical format) or downloading of previous bills for a comparison on cost and consumption or trend analysis.
• Detailed profile settings to add, view and modify personalized account information including photo upload, mobile number, email address, password etc.
• Provision to register new complaints related to supply, metering equipment, reading and billing, payments, theft and safety.
• Easy tracking and monitoring of complaints along with the resolution time.
• Information on lucrative offers under the ‘Offers’ section
• Details about consumer services, billing and complaint centers under ‘Locate us’.
• Other useful settings such as language selection (opt for Hindi or English) or going paperless.