Si Abah APP
- Attendance In Out
This feature is used to perform timesheet in and out. Equipped with Geo Tagging so that when absences enter and leave not only the hours of absence are recorded but the location of absences is also recorded (employees are only allowed to be absent at a radius of + 150 m from the hospital and specifically for employees who are assigned outside assignments, the location of absences will be recorded according to the point. where the employee is absent). In addition, to better maintain the accuracy of attendance, employees are also required to take selfies at the location of the attendance.
- Performance data
Each employee can monitor his own performance as well as his subordinate Absence and Attendance Hours;
- Activity Report
The Abah is also equipped with inputting activity reports in the form of resumes and details during the employee's job. This feature is of course very useful, especially for employees who work outside, so that their superiors can directly monitor the results of their subordinate activities during outside assignments. Reports can be completed with attachments in the form of documents or images.
- Leave & sick leave
The process of request and approval for leave, whether it's sick leave, leave for important reasons, annual leave, maternity leave, unpaid leave, or major leave can be done directly in the mobile application anytime and anywhere. The remaining leave of each employee can also be monitored in real time
- External Service Orders
This feature allows superiors to give direct orders to their subordinates to carry out External Services and can monitor the location and activities of these subordinates through absent external duties and reports made.
- Shift changes
This feature is a facility to make changes / additions to shifts that can be done by superiors to subordinates if changes or additional shifts are needed
- Multi user types (Previlage is adjusted for each type of user)
With multi type user allows the system to provide different privileges for each type. For example, who can apply for leave and who can approve it. The type of user is divided into 3, namely:
Supervisor (direct supervisor)
- Dashboard of attendance performance per department per employee
The type or level of Supervisor and HR is provided with facilities in the form of a dashboard in the direct application in the form of a Time Sheet so that it can monitor the presence performance of their subordinates in real time
- Notifications
This feature makes it easy for users if there is something that needs to be followed up, such as an incoming leave request, approval for leave, orders from outside service, etc.