Bible teachers to teach Bible Stories among the oral learners

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Orality APP

Orality is an APP designed for Bible teachers to teach Bible Stories among the oral learners.  The original idea was inspired by the fact that more than 70% of the Unengaged and Unreached People Groups (UUPGs) in the world are illiterate. Once the Bible teachers leave the areas the UUPGs have little help to remember what they just heard, nevertheless expecting them to teach those who have not heard. 

Shunammite Book House asked 3 missionary kids to do this project starting Spring 2012. All the drawings were done using iPads and completed in Summer 2012. The print version was done in Fall that year in the form of playing cards, 54 (52 cards and 2 jokers) cards for Old Testament and 54 cards for New Testament. Playing cards are simple to recognize and the oral learners can follow the Bible Story sequences with the suites and numbers in the playing cards. The added benefit is that they can go back to playing mode in times of needs. There are total 133 drawings in the digital format and are all included in this APP for its portability by the Bible teachers.

Oral learners can include those who are illiterate, children, or anyone who can read but prefer learning orally. According to experts, One third of the world cannot read the language they speak. Another third of the world chooses to learn through non-written methods. In other words, two-thirds of the world are oral learners. They will not learn about God by reading the Bible.  Nor will they learn through tracts or literature.  They will only learn if someone tells them. Everyone deserves an opportunity to learn the Bible. By downloading this tool and use it you can fulfill someone's dream in learning about God.
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