Onlife APP
From the pre-scheduling of exams to the satisfaction survey, it is possible to consult the results record, information about the laboratory, the necessary preparation for the examination, the agreements received and other facilities so that patients have the best possible experience with the laboratory.
By downloading the Onlife application, patients can:
• Learn more about collection procedures
Complete information directly in the application about the fasting time required and other preparation required for each medical request examination.
• Have more agility in performing exams
By pre-scheduling, they can enter their data and documents, take a photo of the medical order, the health plan card and choose the unit and time of preference. Then just wait for the confirmation from the lab!
• Check the history of your results
The reports and all the history of exams already carried out in the laboratory (yours and your dependents) can be accessed, with possibility to save the PDF and easily share it by email and other communication applications that the device allows.
• Respond to satisfaction survey
The satisfaction survey is answered in a practical and agile way by the application, after the service and / or after consulting the result.
See the main differences of the application Onlife for the laboratories:
• More agility, practicality and autonomy in the patient's journey
• Indicators to manage patient satisfaction
• Customizable satisfaction survey
• Optimization of communication with patients
• Customizable visual identity