Minha He-Net APP
With My He-Net I have everything I need in the palm of my hand.
Without leaving my comfort, in a few taps on the screen, I connect with the fastest and most uncomplicated solutions.
I can access my detailed invoice, without having to print the ticket or go to a He-Net store. Oh, and if I want to issue the 2nd copy of the invoice, I don't even have to worry: it is here on my smartphone, very easy to view. You can view the current and previous month's invoices, in addition to all open ones. And more: the payment receipts are all gathered in my application.
When I resolve my pending issues, if my plan has been suspended or is overdue, I can reactivate everything in a short time: the activation is done in the Minha He-Net app itself. Only advantage, right?
And it doesn't stop there: when I encounter a technical flaw in my Internet or TV service, I also have the support of a virtual technician, who brings me practical answers to what I can do to try to solve. This online service helps a lot, because sometimes the technician does not even need to come to my house: in some situations, I am able to correct the problem myself.
I have no more doubts. Now, in a matter of minutes, I solve everything I need, in a very simple way: with My He-Net, everything is my way!