Astra GAME
아스트라는 햇살의 여신 히메라의 모험입니다. 그녀를 도와 어둠과 싸우고, 독특한 아스트라 우주의 놀라움과 비밀을 발견하세요.
✔ 아케이드 액션
✔ 유니크한 예술, 음악과 게임진행
✔ 간단한 원터치 조절
✔ 우주물리학의 오토 러너 플랫폼게임
✔ 탐험을 떠나고, 작은 퍼즐 조각들을 풀고, 비밀들을 발견하세요.
9/10 "The graphics are beautiful and incredibly detailed, the music is soothing with whimsical sound effects, the controls feel natural and let you play it with one hand, and the gameplay is challenging." - Christine Chan (AppAdvice)
8/10 "Really, Astra stands out among other orbital platformers for its unique art and great feel. But it is a trying game"..."that made the successes more rewarding, and it's long way to the top, that's for sure." - Carter Dotson (TouchArcade)
"By taking the tried-and-tested platforming formula and reducing it down to its very core, Molina has managed to assemble one of the most unique, elegant, and bewitching mobile games I've ever had the good fortune of playing." - Chris Kerr (Stuff)