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Astra GAME

★ AppAdvice 9/10 ❖ IGN 8.8/10 ❖ TouchArcade 8/10 ❖ PocketGamer 7/10 ★

Astrå ist das Abenteuer Hemeras, Göttin des Lichts. Hilf ihr in ihrem Kampf gegen die Finsternis und entdecke die Wunder und Geheimnisse dieses einzigartigen Universums.

✔ Arcade-Actionspiel
✔ Einzigartige Grafik, Soundtrack und Spielmechanik.
✔ Für Touchscreen designed. Intuitive Ein-Tasten-Steuerung.
✔ Auto-Runner-Plattformer mit Weltraumphysik.
✔ Erkunde Welten, löse kleine Puzzles und entdecke Geheimnisse.

9/10 "The graphics are beautiful and incredibly detailed, the music is soothing with whimsical sound effects, the controls feel natural and let you play it with one hand, and the gameplay is challenging." - Christine Chan (AppAdvice)

8/10 "Really, Astrå stands out among other orbital platformers for its unique art and great feel. But it is a trying game"..."that made the successes more rewarding, and it's long way to the top, that's for sure." - Carter Dotson (TouchArcade)

"By taking the tried-and-tested platforming formula and reducing it down to its very core, Molina has managed to assemble one of the most unique, elegant, and bewitching mobile games I've ever had the good fortune of playing." - Chris Kerr (Stuff)
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