Gym Rest Timer APP
Start your rest timer easily between your sets, with minimal phone interaction.
Gym Rest Timer is mainly aimed at people following a resistance training program. If you work hard, you then need to rest so you can work hard again.
Our Gym Rest Timer makes timing your rest breaks easy. It includes big buttons (for shaky hands) for all the rest break periods. You could just use your phone clock, a stopwatch, a countdown timer or any other type of timer, but our Rest Timer makes it simple, a single click, in fact. Finish your set, click a big button, rest, when the circle completes do your next set.
If you are bodybuilding, doing lots of sets the new automatic set counter feature may help you keep track. Even on 5x5 it's possible to lose track.
• Appropriate for HIIT, Tabata, circuits and any other training. A custom template to create every interval.
• Our Rest Timer runs in the background allowing you to either have your display off, or use other apps while the workout timer is active. At the end of every set in notifies you, so you don't miss your next round.
• HIIT Interval Training Timer
• Stopwatch for EMOM workouts.
• Amrap stopwatch to perform a set of exercises as many times as you can in a set amount of time.
• As a Rest Timer
• Gym Workout Tracker – Exercise Timer
• As a 7 minute workout timer