G20 Aurangabad W20 APP
During the India’s G20 presidency, various cities from India hosting Sherpa track, financial track and engagement groups. Through the Sherpa Track, 13 Working Groups and 2 Initiatives will meet under India’s Presidency to discuss priorities and provide recommendations. G20 Finance Track discusses global macroeconomic issues through its meetings of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, their Deputies and 8 working group meetings. Engagement Groups, comprising non-government participants from each G20 member, provide recommendations to the G20 Leaders and contribute towards the policy-making process.
Aurangabad (Maharashtra) hosting W20 engagement group conference on 27th and 28th February 2023. During this period, W20 focuses on Gender inclusive economic growth, Grassroots leadership, Entrepreneurship, Bridging the Gender Digital Divide, Education & Skill Development and Climate Change.