Registration of the working day and imputation of working times

Latest Version

Dec 20, 2024
Google Play ID

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Fich@ APP

File is a solution, unique in the market, to calculate the drivers' payroll variables, as established in their collective agreement.
In addition, it allows the recording of working hours, both for drivers and for the rest of the company's workers (drivers without a tachograph, office staff, mechanics, delivery men, etc.).

Benefits for the company.
The company will be able to see the hours worked by each worker, in real time (except in the case of drivers with a tachograph, which will depend on the configuration of their download), manage their registration and labor information, as well as consult the history, reports and alarms of your interest.
In addition, you will have the record of the day that you will have to provide to the Public Administration, if required.
All data managed by Fich@ will be stored in a secure space for four years, in accordance with the requirements of current regulations.
To access the solution, the company must install the application provided on the page

Benefits for workers.
Drivers who use vehicles with a tachograph will only have to drive, because the data will be exported, from the tachograph or from the driver card, to the day record (depending on the configuration chosen for data extraction).
Drivers without a tachograph have this mobile application. Its use is very intuitive since they only have to mark the activity carried out by pressing the corresponding icon.
And, office workers will be able to register their shift from their PC, by downloading the application provided at
In addition, they will be able to communicate absences, incidents, vacation requests and any event related to their work activity.
In case of input or output errors, absence of necessary entries in the digital tachograph or registration errors, the worker has a rectification process to create an incident. The worker will have his work record at his disposal, as required by current regulations.
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