CSCAcademy APP
Foster the capability and development of the learners, especially the Village Level Entrepreneur and other stakeholder of the Common Services Centre scheme through the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies and teaching, by delivering specialized courses/ training programmes and ensuring ubiquitous reach of training services and community development programmes (health, housing, education, financial services etc).
Develop, maintain and support the online learning environment for ensuring large scale e-learning opportunities for learners across India, particularly in rural and far- flung regions. Also design, develop content and delivery framework through CSC for education, skill upgradation and other areas for community development in rural areas.
Presently, the CSC Academy is delivering various Government of India sponsored skill and education programs, in addition to courses from private sector. Many of them are funded under Government schemes or under Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR funding. Over a period of time the CSC Academy shall become Education Hub for Rural India to provide life-long education and learning. These may cover programs at school level, career level, professional level and self-development level.