Box Breathing APP
Through the combined effect of better blood oxygenation and neuro-vegetative reflexes, by exercising a voluntary control on our way of breathing, we can rise our level of vigilance.
It is commonly felt that increased expiration time (3 minimum exhalation times for 1 inhalation time) promotes relaxation. It is commonly felt that an increase of the inspiratory amplitude with a brief expiration (3 times on the inspiration for 1 expiration time) will be more challenging.
Square breathing allows:
• from 4 to 10 cycles:
- to find his calm in case of nervousness,
- to find a little energy,
- to refocus quickly in the present
• over 20 cycles and more:
- a deeper relaxation,
- a discreet relaxation, anytime, anywhere, in any position (sitting, standing, lying), an anti-stress action,
- an improvement in the concentration at the same time as relaxation,
- a regular practice promotes an awareness and progressive relaxation of the diaphragm."
"Considering the benefits of his action, we are encouraged to learn and feel its different effects to include, this work of breathing in our daily lives.
As a first step, you can focus on learning about abdominal breathing, then in a second time deepen the learning and automation of square breathing.
Basic instructions for the exercise:
• Straighten the upper body with the intention of growing, stretching the axis of the spine and opening the chest.
• For square breathing, breathe through the nose while keeping the lower jaw relaxed.
• Print a flexible movement of the abdomen that accompanies inspiration and exhalation: this is abdominal breathing:
- Inspiration: the abdomen swells in a fluid movement
- Expiration: the abdomen deflates in the same fluidity.
• Once the abdominal breathing is installed, start the square breathing: the four phases of breathing have each the same duration:
- Inspiration (3/4/5/6 / ... seconds)
- Full lung retention (3/4/5/6 / ... seconds)
- Expiration (3/4/5/6 / ... seconds)
- Retention empty lungs (3/4/5/6 / ... seconds)