The BME688 is the first gas sensor with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and integrated high-linearity and high-accuracy pressure, humidity and temperature sensors. It is housed in a robust yet compact 3.0 x 3.0 x 0.9 mm³ package and especially developed for mobile & connected applications where size and low power consumption are critical requirements. The BME AI Studio tool (desktop and mobile App) enables customers to train the BME688 gas scanner on their specific application, like in home appliances, IoT products or Smart Home.
The BME AI Studio App connects to the BME688 Development Kit using Bluetooth. Once connected two modes of operation can be choosed:
1. Record & Label Data: raw gas sensor data is recorded with the BME688 Development Kit and the specimens can be labelled through the App. Prerequisite: board configuration file (.bmeconfig) must be copied on the SD card.
2. Live-Test Algorithm: the exported algorithm from BME AI Studio desktop can be or demonstrate live with real specimens. Prerequisite: a BSEC configuration file (.config) and an AI configuration file (.aiconfig) must be copied on the SD card.
In the Record and Label mode user can:
• see the current sensor state
• label the specimens
• see the recorded raw data
In the Live-Test mode user can:
• see the current prediction of each sensor (currently only four sensors at a time)
• set a class as current "Ground Truth" (for Classification Algorithms)
• open a full screen demo view