BECIL Empanelment APP
The audit aims at verifying the training Centre credentials at various stages of the skill training value chain to establish compliance with the laid down procedures and standards. As part of the audit process, the auditor appointed by BECIL travels to the training center to conduct the physical audit through the BECIL app installed on his handheld device. The auditor collects the training center credential collaterals / evidences in the form of geo tagged and time stamped images, videos, and PDF documents. The user of the BECIL application provides this information voluntarily, and specific permissions are sought from the user through the in-app prompts before using any of the phone features to enable the app usage and the collection of any form of documents including PDF documents.
The information which the users will provide to BECIL is solely used for the purpose of evidence collection against various parameters set up by BECIL for meeting the required qualification criteria for empanelment of a training center or determining compliant conduct of various processes in the training value chain. This information either will be collected directly from the applicant training partner, or by the Auditor during the physical verification process of the various evidences provided by the training center earlier for empanelment, and during center process audit.
All the information collected will be provided voluntarily by the user, wherein the application will seek permissions through prompts before using any type of supporting technologies or features, information available on the user’s device. The types of information collected by the App includes images, videos, PDF files, user location, time zone, and other information related to the manner in which the user accesses the app. All the user data collected is protected under organization’s data governance policy.
Technical Reasons :-
As part of the process audit being conducted at an affiliated training center or a center wanting to get affiliated with BECIL, there are certain audit questions against which documents (in the form of PDF files) need to be uploaded. These files need to be browsed and selected for upload from the user’s device.
The App will prompt to seek permission whenever PDF file access is required against the particular audit question. The user will manually grant permission by clicking the allow button. The user will then manually navigate to browse through the storage space and select the desired file required to be uploaded. All the user data collected is protected under organization’s data governance policy.