Antolin Lesespiele 3/4 GAME
The lovingly designed and fast-paced exercises also offer a lot of action and fun so that reading training takes place on the side! By playing against time, the children are motivated to improve their high score and thus to repeat frequently. Different speeds and levels of difficulty allow every child to start according to their reading ability.
The 8 reading games promote central reading skills:
Chasing points
A rapidly moving point is followed with the eyes, in which another letter or another word appears from time to time. This exercise trains the ability to concentrate as well as smooth and quick eye movement. At the same time, reflexive reactions and gazing leaps are practiced. Because when reading fluently and quickly, the eyes do not move evenly from letter to letter, but rather they jump from one stopping point to the next.
Ghost words
A word is shown which disappears after a short time. This word should be recognized from a selection of four words.
This exercise trains the holistic understanding and recognition of the word form of up to four-syllable words. As a result, the child can grasp words faster, so that his reading fluency increases.
Word pairs
The dissimilar word pairs are to be recognized from a number of word pairs and tapped.
This exercise trains the reading speed of known and unfamiliar words. The words are perceived as images and are not laboriously read letter by letter.
Word grid
The word you are looking for should be found twice in a letter field as quickly as possible.
The words are hidden horizontally and vertically or diagonally and around the corner, depending on the level.
This exercise trains the understanding of words and the discrimination of word images.
The words and phrases you are looking for should be read as quickly as possible in a continuum of moving letters. This exercise trains the recognition of words and word boundaries.
Image search
In a picture, the described situations should be found and tapped as quickly as possible. This exercise trains meaningful and information-extracting reading as well as the ability to relate information (from text and image) to one another, to draw conclusions and to distinguish important from unimportant.
Soap bubbles
This exercise trains the gaze span, concentration and word comprehension. The children's eye must wander over the entire playing field, as the choices are spread over the whole playing field and are constantly moving. With a concentrated look and reading, it must be noticed in a short time whether the scrambled word in the balloon contains the same letters as the search word. Reading skills and abilities are thereby further consolidated and promoted.
Reading puzzle
In so-called logicals, after carefully reading the information, the children assign jobs, characteristics and favorite colors to people, for example.
This exercise trains meaningful and information-extracting reading as well as the ability to relate information (from several texts) to one another, to draw conclusions and to distinguish important from unimportant.
The points that the children achieve in the Antolin Lesepiele app are not added to the points account on
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