Adani Driver Assist APP
Minimum distance traveling based vehicle allocation for all trip requests
Ensuring timely transportation & availability of material at destination.
Capacity utilization of vehicle
Vehicle allocation based on nature of work & capacity from the pool of total available vehicles.
The Mobile App has following features:
Facility for drivers to get the details of allotted vehicles, route, and site Supervisors/ Engineers details.
The facility for route map, traffic updates for drivers.
The facility to record Estimated Time to Destination at start of trip
The facility for site supervisors to track the vehicle and call the driver from App for any instructions will be available on vehicle booking app.
Planner will change route based on Emergency and same shall be sent to driver for change of sequence of pickups and drops
Feature for site supervisor to acknowledge the receipt of material at site (OTP based) and dispatch of material from site after completion of jobs
Feature for driver to change the sequence and route as per the site planner need In case, planner needs a different route than planned route, driver can ignore planned route. This will be available in route deviation report and the back-office team in the control room need to authorize route deviation.
Feature to send pick and drop request from site to Driver through vehicle booking app or through trip requests initiating through WMS
Driver can accept / reject requests based on engagement and put the reason and intimation to the requester of rejection / acceptance.