Men about the Messenger, an audio book by Khaled Muhammad Khaled, the biography of the Companions without the Internet

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Men around the Messenger, an audio book by Khaled Muhammad Khaled
Introduction to the author
Khaled Mohammed Khaled
A contemporary Egyptian Islamic thinker, author of the book Men About the Messenger, which was the reason for his fame. He also wrote several books that talk about the biography of the Prophet and notable companions. He is the father of the Egyptian preacher Muhammad Khaled Thabet. Khaled Muhammad Khaled was a contemporary Egyptian writer with a simplified style. He graduated from the Faculty of Sharia at Al-Azhar, worked as a teacher, then worked at the Ministry of Culture. He was a member of the Supreme Council for Literature and Arts. He was born, may God have mercy on him, in the village of Al-Adwa, one of the villages of Al-Sharqiya Governorate. He died several years ago, and his grave is in this village.
He was born on Tuesday in Al-Adwa, a village in the Sharkia Governorate in Egypt. As a child, he joined the village bookstore, where he spent a few years, during which he memorized a portion of the Qur’an and learned to read and write. When his father - Sheikh Muhammad Khaled - decided to enroll him in Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, he took him to Cairo and entrusted him to his eldest son, Sheikh Hussein, to memorize the entire Qur’an. This was the condition for joining Al-Azhar at that time. He completed memorizing the entire Qur’an in a record time of five months - as he explained in detail in his memoirs, “My Story with Life” - then he joined Al-Azhar at an early age, and continued studying there under its eminent sheikhs for sixteen years until he graduated there and obtained a high degree from the College of Sharia. In the year 1364 AH - 1945 AD, he was a husband and father of two of his children at that time. He worked as a teacher after graduating from Al-Azhar for several years until he left it permanently in 1954 AD, when he was appointed to the Ministry of Culture as a publishing advisor, then he left his job permanently with a voluntary retirement in 1976.
He received many offers to obtain leadership positions in the state, whether under the presidency of Gamal Abdel Nasser or Anwar Sadat, but he used to apologize for them, rejected other offers to travel outside Egypt, and preferred to remain in his humble life, which was dominated by asceticism and contentment. His life fluctuated in many phases, from an early and rapid memorization of the Holy Qur’an, to a brilliant student at Al-Azhar, to a young man thirsty for knowledge, eager for all kinds of arts, literature, and cultures, to an immersed and preoccupied with politics, to a brilliant orator on the political issues that preoccupied the nation at that time. Time, then to a preacher whose lessons and sermons fill hearts with the ecstasy of faith, to a worshiper preoccupied with the afterlife, and a Sufi preoccupied with his Lord, and so on... He explained this in detail in his memoirs: "My story with life."
He fell ill for a long time, and it became severe in his final years. However, he always said: “There is no rest for the believer without meeting God.” The idea of ​​death did not bother him, but rather it was as if he was eagerly awaiting it. He prepared for it and recommended what he wanted... and it was one of his wills. To pray for him in Al-Azhar Mosque, his scientific institute and the hotbed of his youth and youth, and to be buried in his village “Al-Adwa” next to his fathers, grandfathers, brothers and family. He died while he was in the hospital on Thursday, Friday night, Shawwal 9, 1416 AH, corresponding to February 29, 1996 AD, at the age of seventy-six years.
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