Zyft - Price Comparison APP
Zyft your way to savings! Zyft instantly compares prices from 50,000+ Australian retailers when you shop online or in-store.
Scan-to-Compare: Scan product barcodes in-store to instantly compare prices across Australian retailers. Decide where to buy or, request a price match in eligible stores.
Search-to-Compare (beta): Search for products directly in the Zyft App and compare prices across multiple retailers. Zyft’s AI helps you make informed decisions.
Share-to-Compare: Easily compare prices on products while browsing online. Share the product URL from your mobile browser to the Zyft App, and Zyft will show you prices to compare.
Check prices at 50,000+ Australian retailers
Find deals on millions of products and save
Zyft is unbiased – that’s our promise to you
How Zyft Works:
Download the Zyft App
Shop online or in-store
Zyft provides instant price comparisons in the app
Always want better prices? Add the Zyft chrome browser extension to your desktop.
Be clever, shop smarter – with Zyft.
Whilst we have a huge number of retailers, we may not have every Australian retailer, so we may not always show the best available product match and price. The price is the publicly available price provided by 3rd party retailers of the product only, and does not take into account shipping, delivery or other fees, or conditional discounts. Where a retailer publicly lists VIP, loyalty or membership prices on their website, these prices may be shown by Zyft. Some of the links you may encounter while using our extension are affiliate links. Prices and or stock levels displayed may not be current or accurate due to the nature of 3rd party data provision or internal Zyft data processing. If you find a lower price on a product or have a new retailer suggestion, please let us know by emailing us at hello@zyft.com.
Data Disclaimer:
Zyft uses Google Analytics to collect app usage statistics to help improve user experience. If you want to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, please visit https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/181881?hl=en. Zyft uses tracking technologies and general analytics to help improve the user experience. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on how such technologies are used and for detailed opt-out information.