Zummer Voicemail & Recorder APP
We provide external phone service and don't rely on automatic call recording in Android!!!
Zummer application has a lot of nice quirks and features:
✔ Automatic call attendant - simply decline your phone call and it will be answered by an AI-enabled attendant, that can ask a purpose of a call, for example.
✔ Platform agnostic call recording - we provide you with a phone gateway that enables you to record all kinds of calls. You just attach any phone call to a 3-way call (this option has to be supported by your phone carrier).
✔Text-to-speech transcription to all calls and voicemails
✔Global search throughout all recordings
✔Export to an audio file and text formats for transcriptions
✔Cloud storage for all calls recordings
Please, pay attention that our application doesn't work automatically, and it doesn't record calls from messengers!