Zoom mirror APP
This application uses your phone's front camera and provides unique features: image lifting, zoom with one finger, last settings saving, backlight.
Remove the gunk from your eye, adjust the lens, shave comfortably, apply makeup.
Open your mirror immediately: the front camera is on, your settings are set - the zoom and brightness of the screen - no unnecessary movements!
Your eyes aren't half-closed in the reflection: the image is lifted for your convenience.
For additional illumination of the face, you can use a constant light (flashlight) on the front panel. If your camera does not have this option, you can turn on the white frame and increase the screen brightness.
Use optical zoom for better picture quality. If your camera does not have such an option, you can use the digital zoom.
In our application, you can simply hide ads!
Privacy Policy - https://trywhiletrue.github.io/Mirror
The application uses icons from https://icons8.com/
When designing advertising materials for the application, photos from the site https://www.pexels.com/ were used