Ziplet APP
Check-in on student comprehension, wellbeing, or prompt reflection in under 30 seconds.
Students love Ziplet’s easy-to-use app that makes answering exit tickets quick and easy. Teachers love getting to know their students in less time than it takes to hand out a piece of paper.
Teacher Features:
- Send exit tickets, wellbeing checks, or prompt reflection
- Send a question in under 30 seconds
- Use response types including multiple-choice, open text, scale or emoji
- Import students from Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams for easy setup
- Select from a list of suggested questions or write your own
- Send exit tickets immediately or schedule for later
- Send announcements and see which students have read them
- Follow up student replies directly or in groups.
- React to student replies with a quick emoji
- Share access to your class with other teachers
- Track changes over time with data visualisations
Student Features:
- Reply to questions in seconds
- Replies can only be seen by your teacher
- Quick and easy to use interface
- Get a notification when you have a new question