E.Land APP
* eLand 管理者可自己创建侧边栏
* 创建自己的网页内容(上传音频/视频,写博客,讲道/讲课笔记/活动/通知/上传PDF分享文件等)
* eLand管理者可以管理自己的会员
* eLand 管理者有自己的Dashboard 仪表板
* 内部会员交流区
最漂亮的是你可以拥有自己的logo, 自定义自己eLand app的背景图案; 创建自己网页内容; 管理自己的会员;拥有自己的2个小论坛(信仰交流圈/生活资讯圈)和一个祷告圈。赶紧来试试吧!
h.land Team
August 2023
Though years of efforts and perseverance in the tough times, finally our ELand App comes out! Thanks Lord for His grace! E-Land is specifically designed for small scale organizations, churches or verified public figures to build their own websites on the E-Land platform for free. Instead of a traditional static website, registered E-Land owners are able to build an interactive and engaging website with the following main features:
1. Create your own Site Menu
2. Create your own Web Content (by uploading videos of sermons, pastoral blogs, events, announcements, etc.)
3. Manage members subscribing to your Site
4. Create your own Dashboard
5. Create your own Member Communication Zone
Besides, we added a new function in this eLand App, i.e., every eLand has its own Open Prayer Circle, Daily Life Circle (in the form of a forum) and Faith Sharing Circle (in the form of a forum), all of which are only accessible by eLand's members subscribing to your site.
Another beautiful thing is that you may upload your own eLand logo and your unique background image for the portal page.
In short, it is YOUR logo, YOUR background, YOUR member, YOUR content…, YOUR APP for free. It is totally yours! Come and create your eLand App now!
God bless!
1 Chronicles 17:9a
h.land Team
August 2023