The Zambia Electronic Immunization Registry (ZEIR) was created for Zambia’s Ministry of Health to give to nurses working in public health facilities the ability to track the healthcare services provided to children under the age of five living in the facility’s catchment areas. The nurse can log into the application on their Android tablet to register children at birth and record all of their healthcare services until the age of five, including: vaccinations, weight, vitamin A, deworming, and bed net distribution. The app combines current mHealth best practices – automated scheduling and reminders, decision support, offline support, and automated reporting – to help nurses provide timely and quality care to the children in their communities. The app integrates with Zambia’s national health information system (HIS) to help automate the reporting process from healthcare facilities in Zambia to the district level.
ZEIR is powered by OpenSRP (, an open source Android application and platform geared towards frontline health workers in developing countries.