☻ Explore all places such as restaurants and attractions near you.
☻ Search easily for Local Food, Cafe, and Restaurants.
☻ Made it easy to find out the operating hour of the places.
☻ Rate and review the places you’ve been to, creating a traveller community.
☻ Discover and book flight and accommodation at the best prices.
☻ Find accommodations in minutes by sorting what’s important to you: cost, rating, distance to the places you plan to visit, and more.
☻ Our advanced flight search engine allows you to find the ideal flight.
☻ Safe and secure booking with global payment method covered.
Not sure where to go, what to do? Check out our Explore feature for some great suggestions.
The YUMA app may request access to your phone or information. Here’s why:
• Storage access: To save the places you bookmarked.
• Your location: To help you find places nearby
Install YUMA app now for free! Enjoy your travels.
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