Makes it easy to keep up-to-date with all your courses.
The redesigned app means that having your marks at a glance is clearer than ever before. Colours have been chosen specifically to make the elements pop, all while staying true to the original app design. New fonts have been designed to give a more polished look—so that you, and all your friends, will be proud to compare marks.
• Dark and light theme
• Offline Mark Access / access to marks hidden by teachers
• Statistics
• Course and assignment averages
• Ability to temporarily hide assignments and courses
• Device-side encrypted password
If you encounter a bug, please report it using either the bug report button in the sidebar, or by emailing the app development team directly at taappyrdsb@gmail.com. If you have any suggestions on how the app could improve, we'd love to hear from you!
This app is specifically designed for student use only and is not endorsed by either Teachassist or YRDSB.