YoTaxi APP
YoTaxi! Cabs is an "On-Demand" e-hailing App for customers who want a safe, reliable and legal Cab Service at a reasonable fee that does not increase at busy times.
YoTaxi! Cabs uses reputable Metered Cab Companies whose Cabs are:
Well maintained
Regularly checked by company management
Legal in terms of the required permits issued by the Department of Transport and Local Authorities
Less than 6 years old - within 6 months
Lower than 350,000kms in mileage - within 6 months
Are medium sized sedans or hatches suitable as cabs
YoTaxi! Cabs uses drivers that are:
Employed by the Taxi Companies and have been for at least 3 months
Have a PDP and other required Licences
Trained in Customer Service, Defensive Driving, Rapid Global
Alert System and YoTaxi! App and info
Well dressed and well-groomed
Able to achieve at least a 4/5 star service rating
Safe on the Road