YDS Kelimeleri APP
In our MODADİL YDS VOCABULARY application, we based our application on the "1080 Academic Words" in the publication "Memorizing YDS Words in 60 Days" written by Suat GÜRCAN and Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ.
You can study the words in the application in 54 Days under "Word Studies". You can add the words you want to the "To Learn" list to review later.
You will be able to listen to the pronunciation of the word you want from your device.
Again, in this application, you will be able to access the Turkish equivalent of the English word, synonyms, antonyms, example sentences and translation of the example sentences. In other words, we have presented you with approximately 5-10 new words for a single word entry with this method.
In addition, in our application, we provided easy access to the website of our course MODADİL, which is active in Ankara, www.modadil.com, as well as our social media accounts.
We believe that this application, which we offer for FREE, will be very useful to you during the YDS Preparation process.
In addition, candidates preparing for other English exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE can also benefit from our application.
Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding our application and other issues related to YDS.
And keep in mind that this application will be constantly updated with your comments.
We wish you success in the upcoming YDS, where you will see many words in our application.