Yasin and Tahlil NU Complete APP
It is hoped that this NU community practice application will make it easier for Muslims to increase their worship of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, make dhikr, read verses from the Koran and also pray to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
This application contains:
Surah Yasin (Latin and translation)
Complete Tahlil (Latin and translation)
Tahlil Prayer (short, complete, & complete spirits)
Asmaul Husna
Daily Prayer
Prayer Reading
Prayer After Prayer
Dhikr After Prayer
Qibla finder
Digital Prayer Beads
Prayer Times
Sholawat and Collection of Daily Prayers
Reading of the Qur'an Juz 1 to 30
Prayer After Prayer
Morning and Evening Dhikr
Sunnah Prayers
Prayers of the Prophets
We require permission to access your device's location. This allows us to provide location-based services that offer the Qibla direction coordinates feature. We only collect location information when the app is in use or in accordance with the permissions you grant
Hope it is useful