Yak Client APP
How it works:
1. Connect to host Wi-FI/Hotspot
2. Open the Application
3. a) Start Setup and get Audio Visualiser and host name displayed
b) Skip Setup
4. Read How to connect in 3 easy steps and close page
5. Press Play button and enjoy your stream
-Set stream url manually is a feature that allow user to type in stream url in case that there is a problem with host Hotspot and Yak Yak does not recognise it.
-Network auto reconnect is a feature that will, when turned ON, auto reconnect to a host Hotspot in case users leave the maximum range and then get in range again.
-Activate advance setup will start initially skipped setup and allow user access to Audio Visualiser and Host network name.
-How to connect will start a small 3 step tutorial again.
-Refresh will reload connected Host Hotspot settings.
-Share will allow users to share Yak Yak Application and spread community.